Agile Team Development

Shaping the future of your collaboration with innovative methods and agile impulses

Timer and duct tape on Nina's desk

Do you want to make a difference as a team and move forward together? Team development is the key to strengthening communication, trust and cohesion within the team and creating the basis for effective collaboration. With an individually tailored approach, I support you in bringing about sustainable change.

Creative methods, agile impulses and a strong focus on reflection and self-help characterize my work. This makes the resources and skills available in the team visible to everyone involved. I support them in using these more consciously and promoting the ability to engage in dialog and work sustainably. In doing so, I rely on participative methods. Because I am convinced that the diversity of perspectives and the active participation of all team members lead to creative and good solutions.

I regularly work with remote teams and also conduct all team development processes online.

My services

Agile teamwork

Teams in agile contexts that want to focus more on self-organization face particular challenges. Simply introducing agile methods or frameworks is often not enough. It often remains unclear what agility and self-organization mean at their core and how these principles can be implemented in everyday life.

The decentralization of traditional management tasks requires more structure and clear rules in order to be able to work together effectively and productively. I support you in creating a good framework for your collaboration.

Together we can tackle the following issues:

  • Agile methods in practice: You have introduced agile methods, but implementation is struggling and you are dissatisfied? We analyze the challenges and develop practicable solutions together.
  • Creating a common understanding: Do you lack a clear picture of what agility and self-organization mean for the team? We develop a common understanding and mission statement.
  • Agile introduction: You want to work agile but don't know where to start and what makes sense for your context? I will guide you through the introduction of agile principles and practices.
  • Take responsibility: You rely on self-organization and shared leadership, but little responsibility is taken on a day-to-day basis? Developing and distributing clear roles and tasks strengthens self-organization in the team and leads to responsibility being taken on.
  • Make decisions together: Do you want to make decisions together, but realize that this leads to lengthy and nerve-wracking processes? We look at how you can involve everyone and still make progress.

Team kick-off workshops

For newly formed teams, it is essential to create a good basis for working together. As part of a team kick-off, all team members get to know each other better, we talk about your common goals, clarify roles in the team and the rules of your collaboration.

We achieve this together:

  • Get to know each other faster: The team members get to know each other better in a short space of time and build trust.
  • Clear common goals: All team members have a common understanding of the goals and visions.
  • Defined roles and rules: The roles and responsibilities in the team are clearly defined. This helps to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts.