Agile Organizational Consulting

Shaping sustainable transformation processes and developing resilient organizations

Pens, sticky notes and a headset on Nina's desk

In a changing world, organizations that can react quickly to change are more important than ever. Increasing complexity and speed present companies and their employees with new challenges.

As an organizational consultant, I support small and medium-sized companies in particular in meeting these challenges effectively and developing further.

My approach

Participative: I believe that change is most sustainable when it is collaborative. I therefore work closely with all stakeholders to incorporate their different perspectives and experiences.

Iterative: Changes are implemented gradually and continuously, feedback is integrated into the development process. This approach to organizational development enables organic development and does not require an extensive transformation project.

Individual: I do not sell frameworks or specific methods. I work with you to develop individual solutions that perfectly match your challenges and goals. I bring years of experience working in and with agile teams and companies to the table.

Effective: My goal is to strengthen the ability for continuous development within the organization and to be able to react flexibly to changes.

My services

Further developing the organization

Is your company in a phase of strong growth or upheaval? Are processes and structures reaching their limits? Do you want to rely on teamwork and self-organization?

We can achieve this together:

  • Increased clarity: We examine your decision-making and communication channels and clarify roles and responsibilities.
  • Necessary structures: I support you in creating the right framework conditions for self-organization and teamwork.
  • New approaches: With my fresh view from the outside and new, innovative perspectives on your organization, we will find new solutions together.

Digital transformation processes

Are you planning to digitize one or more processes? Whether you want to redesign your knowledge management, communication or customer experience digitally, I can help you design and implement digital transformation processes. Together we will find sustainable solutions.

We can achieve this together:

  • Increased acceptance: We involve the relevant stakeholders and thus achieve a high level of acceptance of the change.
  • Sustainable results: Higher acceptance leads to more sustainable results and more motivated use of new processes and structures.
  • The best result: Employees know the processes and challenges best.